Intranet Délégués An intranet for all students to contact their representatives and track issues (more than 10 000 lines of code). Events orginizer : Conferences (~50 ppl), Year Group Photo (~250 ppl), and more. Tickets, To-do-list, Polls, Reports, News, ...
MsLab Epitech Microsoft Laboratory.
Google Student Ambassador Epitech Bordeaux The Google Student Ambassador Program is an opportunity for students to act as liaisons between Google and their universities.
IHK IHK ("Interface Homme Koalas") is an educational intranet used by the group of assistants "Koalas" ("Kind Of Advanced Langage Assistants").
Koalas-Rendu Koalas-rendus is the system used by koalas to manage students authentification on their SCM repositories.
BiblioTECH Book-sharing website between laboratories and students in Epitech. Hosted in the Koalab and supported by koalas.
return (to_life);
/* The student's Portal*/
Internal School Newspaper. By students, for students. Freedom of speech.
Don't Panic! Provide useful products for sale to students for intensive study periods, and organize activities and events around the novel H2G2 and Anglo-Saxon culture in general. C Intense period videos subtitled. Lateb is an association on Ionis campus. Their members page is using our service.